This is the first official release of PixelFlipper. Main reason for release is to assess the fitness of PixelFlipper on other systems and configurations. Be advised that although this package has been extensively tested with a combination of INITs and different hardware, I can't test for all configurations, and; therefore, greatly respect and appreciate your bug reports and comments. I have tested it on an SE/30, Mac II, IIx, IIcx, and a IIci, with 2 Apple RGB Hi-Res Monitors. If you have other types of monitors and video cards, give it a try to see how it reacts.
Revision History:
12/4/90 - (CS) Released 1.0b to public.
12/10/90 - (CS) 1.0b1 Updated cdev to dispalay the proper monitors settings on
multiple monitor systems. Didn╒t always work properly.
Changed INIT to update the Slot Parameter RAM record if a
permanent change is made. Use different technique to determine
which entry in the scrn 0 resource is associated with the current
12/28/90 - 1.0.1b2 Wasn't saving the registers for _GetNextEvent or _WaitNextEvent. I'm
doing it now. Now using proper version conventions as specified by Apple.